Monthly Archives: November 2013

Taking Over the King’s Land Screening Party – photos

Wed Nov 13 was the screening party for cast, crew and supporters of the film Taking Over the King’s Land, held at the highly congenial Dalston Social. It started as a “cast and crew” screening party but everybody decided that friends should come too, and then a few strangers popped by for the fun (but in our neighbourhood no-one’s a stranger)

After the film and the Q and A with director Gillian McIver and artist (and subject of the film) Nazir Tanbouli, LION TRIBE played a 45 min set of intense funk rock that topped the whole evening off perfectly. On the walls, art work by Nazir’s student KROM complemented the atmosphere of the event.

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On another note, the very first mural of the KING’S LAND project, that the film documents, is the only one still standing. As the estate is demolished, the first mural can still be seen; from above,  here it is:
