Category Archives: festival

Sheffield DocFest and onward

It was great to take part in Sheffield Doc/Fest. The festival, which is the UK’s biggest documentary-only film festival,  gets about 2,000 submissions. Of that, they screen about 150 films (but that includes interactive films, shorts and older films) and host 100 others in the Videotheque, then  online for a 3 month period. So we are pretty pleased to be in that little pile!

So far we have got some great tweets and emails about TAKING OVER THE KING’S LAND so here’s hoping it keeps getting out there and finds that audience we made it for!


Sheffield DocFest opens today

Sheffield DocFest opens today and amazing streetart doc TAKING OVER THE KING’S LAND is on in the Videotheque throughout the festival.

If you are a delegate, please pull up a chair and have a look at the inspiring story of how an Egyptian artist tried to turn a condemned London housing estate into a giant artwork.

Portrait Nazir Tanbouli

Portrait Nazir Tanbouli

Puny Gods Cinema at the Bill Douglas Cinema Museum

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The fascinating Bill Douglas Cinema Museum, one of the UK’s  biggest cinema research collections, is in Exeter and this past weekend it hosted the Puny Gods Cinema event. This was a kind of mini festival, a one dayer with two film rooms, discussions, screenings (of course) and film maker talks. And cake.

We screened Taking Over the king’s Land to an appreciative audience, and saw some great films, including a stylish feature shot for only £1500 (their estimate).



bdcmJune 1 Taking Over the King’s Land will be at Puny Gods vs The Bill Douglas Cinema Museum in Exeter, a full day of films and talks. Gillian McIver will present the film.


June 7 is the opening of the Sheffield DocFest and Taking Over the King’s Land  will be there! It will screen in the festival Videotheque where it will be available to all delegates. After the festival it will remain available online to delegates for 90 days., So  if you’re going to Sheffield please check it out!sheffield docfest kingsland

I will be tweeting and blogging about the festival so do stay tuned in 😉
